Summer Sailing

Registrations now open

Featured Sailing Courses

Wish to learn sailing? Have a look at the various courses we offer. Contact us for more details. 

Beginners sailing courses are held throughout the year in collaboration with Sportmalta as part of the #onthemove programme.
The adult intermediate course acts as a fun, relaxed way for adults to improve their sailing. An opportunity to spend time on the water and to practice and gain confidence in the boat. This course is open to Vikings members only.
We aim to build confidence and competence in young sailors. During this course, we build on foundations and develop new skills so that the sailors feel comfortable and in control in their boats in a variety of conditions. Sailors will have a solid grounding in the sport and the tools they need to pursue it further, in whatever capacity they choose.

Sailing continues through the year!

During winter the club will be running courses every week for both kids and adults with sessions held during the week and the weekend.

Whether it’s racing or cruising you are interested in, we invite you to join our club!

New to sailing?

Never sailed? Not a problem. We offer beginners courses to get you on the water in no time. 

Age is just a number. What matters is that you can move around easily and are ready to learn. If so, sailing is definitely for you. If you are 7 years or over you are welcome to join one of our courses.

The club has its own fleet of boats. On joining a course, sailors may use our club boats. If they wish to continue sailing, they will be asked to purchase their own boat after a maximum of 1 year.

When you first start you don’t need to break the bank. All you need is good swimwear, a buoyancyt designed for sailing and any closed shoes which can get wet (e.g. crocs or aqua socks). 

Our beginner courses are the SportMalta #onthemove courses. Designed for complete beginners, they teach you the very basics of sailing. During the summer we also run additional beginners sailing courses. 

At Vikings we offer both the racing and social sailing pathway. Whether you are interested in participating in local and international regattas, or simply wish to sail for fun and make new friends then Vikings Sailing Club will make you feel welcome. 

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