Visit by Hon Dr Clifton Grima

Visit by Hon Dr Clifton Grima

This week our club was visited by Hon Dr Clifton Grima, Parliamentary Secretary for Youths, Sports and Voluntary Organisations during one of our #summeronthemove kids Sportmalta sessions. Also present for the visit was Mr Robert Portelli, Sportmalta head of programmes. They were given a tour of club premises by VSC Commodore Dr Sandra Agius Darmanin, PRO Miriam Vella and Committee member Michael Fenech.

During the visit they had the opportunity to observe the kids rig up their boats, practice their knots and get on the water. This summer, over 100 participants have signed up to our #summeronthemove programme with all courses fully booked. We are happy to see our club so busy and continue to grow and hope to be able to share or love for sailing to more and more sailors.

Photos: Parliamentary secretariat for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organisations
