Kids level 2

This course is aimed at those sailors who have successfully completed level 1. Sailors will sail on our single handed or double handed boats which will be assigned by the coach according to their weight and level.  They will continue building on the foundations of sailing such as the points of sail, posture and balance. We work on building their confidence and making them more independent sailors. By the end of this program they should be able to sail confidently around a triangular course. The course is 10 weeks long with 1 session per week.


The next course will start in spring




Kids Level 2


Fill in the details below. New term starts on the 28th September

Time of session 12.00 to 14.30


SKU: CKL001 Category:


This course is aimed at those kids who have successfully completed the level 1 course. Here they will sail mainly on single or double handed boats such as the optimist, topper and RS Feva and become more independent and confident sailors. Sailors will start by first reinforcing what their learnt in Level 1 such as the points of sail and then will work on skills like posture and balance, tacking and gybing skills and lean how to sail around a course. Each term lasts 10 weeks.


By booking this course you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. 
